Our paddocks have a large amount of Blady Grass and we are loosing a large part of our grazing area.
Does anyone have a successful suggestions to get rid of it? We know it may be a process but any information would be great.
Our land is in the Gympie region.
And another:
James Austen Ignoring the fact that blady grass is an exceptionally tough, nutritious C4 perennial if managed correctly, and it’s proliferation is undoubtedly due to the way they’ve managed the pasture, blady grass can be kept under control by not burning it regularly, keeping the remaining pasture dense and regularly slashing the blady grass areas to allow increased pasture competition.
Hi Kirsty,
Some responses from our social media community that may assist:
Response from
We used to spray it so it was dead and then burn it. Burning it green is a waste of time